
Mindset has two aspects that contribute to your health and wellbeing: your belief system and maintaining parasympathetic tone.  Your belief system is what you believe to be true or possible. Many of your beliefs originate from experiences that occur early in your life. These may act on an unconscious level in your brain and make…

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Breathing Conscious Breathing The way and how often you breathe may be the most important habit that you can use to promote a longer healthier life. It is the easiest unconscious or automatic action your body does for survival that you can control. It just requires practice. I reference the book, “Breath: New Science Of…

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Your body is over 70% water and it is eliminated through urination and sweating. This elimination is necessary to remove unneeded and toxic chemicals from your body in order to maintain the function of your body’s cells and your health. The lost water needs to be replaced in the amount of about ½ ounce per…

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This is my longest post. Diet is a controversial subject with many opinions. Your diet, digestion and metabolism may not be the most important factors contributing to your health or lack of health, but they affect every aspect of your life. I hope you find it helpful. Diet and Digestion: Your Body and Its Health…

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Movement and Exercise

It has become common knowledge that sitting is about as unhealthy as smoking. Therefore any movements that  do not involve sitting (unless you are unable to stand) or cause pain will be beneficial. Walking is not only the easiest form of exercise, but also when combined with a nature experience, it is relaxing. Movements that…

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